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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Want to become a Machinima director? Here's how!

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We get a lot of questions about how to become a part of our Director's Program. It's time for a crash course in Machinima Directors 101!

Before you can submit a video, you need to make it. PC footage is usually easy to grab, using a program like FRAPS. Console footage requires a capture card, such as the Roxio Game Capture.  There are a variety of different editing programs you can use to cut your videos. Everything from basic programs that might come with your computer, such as Windows Movie Maker or iMovie, to powerful programs like Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro are available. If you can't afford an expensive program at first, try one of the free-to-use programs while you're learning to edit. If you're having trouble starting out, hit up our Machinima Facebook Discussions for more info.

Remember, don't just send in the first video you make.  Work on your channel, get to know the community and get some tips from the pros out there.  The more videos you create, the better you'll get!  The first time you picked up a new game, you probably were a total n00b - it took some time to get pro.  Practice makes perfect!

Got a beast video ready to submit? It's time to figure out what channel your video belongs on. You may have made an intense Call of Duty montage but submitting it to Realm won't do any good! Classic narrative machinima (like Freeman's Mind or Sonic for Hire belongs on our main channel. Gameplay commentaries, montages, and Let's Plays belong on Respawn, Realm, or Sports depending on the game genre. And yes, you can be a part of our Director's Program for more than one of our channels. 

Once you've figured out what channel you should submit your vids to, get to sending them in. While there is no sure fire way to get your video(s) uploaded on our channel, there are definitely things that help!  Make sure you are sending in your best content. If you think that it sucks, we're going to think that it sucks. You can (and should) post the videos that you send in on your personal channels to get some feedback. The more videos you make, the better you're going to get. And make sure you don't include any copyrighted material in your videos! Your montage may sound sweet with Skrillex in the background but we can't post it on YouTube. Do a little Googling and find some sick royalty-free tracks or in-game score music.

Ready to submit? Follow the links below for details on how to submit to the appropriate channel:

With Machinima's audience of millions (and growing every day), what better place to put your filmmaking skills to the test?  Machinima is always broadening its horizons as well. Videos don't just have to be created using an in-game engine. Whether you're planning a live-action fan film based on your favorite video game title or a new variety show that features multiple game titles, Machinima presents an amazing opportunity to push the boundaries of video game entertainment!

If you have any further questions about our Directors Program, hit us up at Facebook.

Roxio Game Capture
The Roxio Game Capture allows you to capture real-time Xbox 360 & PS3 gameplay to your PC. Perfect for bragging rights, posting your own game reviews, or even creating your very own machinima!  Save $30 and buy now for $69.99 here.
See what our Directors are making
Check out our Directors Spotlight playlist. There are a few Directors from each channel repping our program. Watch all the vids to get some ideas for your own video series!
A 2nd Season of Your Favorite Down-&-Out Blue Boy Revs Up
When Sonic finally gets the opportunity to relive some of his glory days, new problems arise and he finds himself in deepr trouble. Check out the trailer, and catch the first episode this Sunday!

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